Whitney K. Windham
Welcome to Turning Point! I’m Dr. Whitney Windham. My journey towards being a Clinical Psychologist began while studying Psychology at the College of Charleston in the late 90’s. During that time, I worked as a research assistant at the VA Medical Center studying cognitive flexibility and testing memory of Veterans with substance abuse issues. After receiving my BS in Psychology in 1999, I moved to San Francisco to take a position as a mental health assistant in an inpatient treatment program for severely emotionally disturbed adolescents. Every child in the program had been physically and sexually abused from a very early age, some even as infants. This experience led to my interest in the treatment of sexual abuse.
In 2001, I moved to Florida to pursue my MA in Clinical Psychology at the University of Central Florida. When completing my internship, I worked as a full-time psychotherapist at Central Florida AIDS Unified Resources providing mental health services to those infected with or affected by HIV or AIDS. This included individual, couples, and family therapy for chronic and acute disease adjustment, depression, anxiety, sexual abuse, physical abuse, substance abuse, grief, parenting, and personality disorder issues. I also co-facilitated weekly group therapy sessions for the “Gay Men with HIV Support Group.” Almost 95% of my clients were lesbian, gay, or bisexual and I realized just how much I truly enjoy working with and advocating for this population.
In 2003, I entered the PsyD program in Clinical Psychology at the Florida Institute of Technology. There, I spent two years working as a therapist at the university clinic and also worked for the state-funded Family Learning Program. Along with my co-therapist, I ran weekly group counseling sessions for court-ordered male incest sex offenders. Also, I conducted psychological evaluations and provided outpatient treatment to sexual abuse victims, their non-victim siblings, and non-offending caretakers. It was during this time I realized my interest in all sexual behavior. Under the guidance of my mentor, I began working with couples who lived swinger and BDSM lifestyles. I also treated individuals and couples who suffered from sexual dysfunction and infidelity.
In 2013, I became certified in LGBT Affirmative Psychotherapy. I truly enjoy working with those struggling with sexual and gender identity issues, sexual orientation, and the process of coming out. Working with LGBT couples and families is also a large part of my practice. In 2016, I received my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology after completing my dissertation regarding Mixed-Orientation Marriages.
Over the years, I have worked with an exceptional number of Transgender individuals navigating their journey, seeking referral to Endocrinologists, and some completing surgical transitions. This is definitely the most joyful and rewarding part of my work!
With all of that said (which is A LOT!), I think it’s important to note my day-to-day work also includes issues completely non-sex-related. I have the privilege of treating a wide array of symptoms thanks to my ever-growing word of mouth client base. I take pride in the fact that my clients feel comfortable and motivated to refer friends and family to me frequently, with almost half of clients finding me via word of mouth. The fact that those under my care trust me with their nearest and dearest is an honor I do not take lightly!
Overall, I consider myself Sex-Positive, forward-thinking, and a true advocate for those I treat.
If you have any questions or think you may have a client to refer, please don’t hesitate to contact me.